Ya'll remember tamagotchi? Where ya'll took care of pets? Welcome to Tamagothy, where you take care of your angsty 15 year old son. Press the 3 symbols on the top to tell your son Earl, to eat, study and go outside respectively. 


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I'm not all that sure what going on here but I enjoyed the responses when I clicked the buttons and I liked watching the character change his appearance overtime. All this happens in 1 year? I want to spend more time with him lol. You did a nice job with the art animation here, that was the most pleasing thing for me. Maybe the dialogue stays up a bit long? Either way, nice work.

Hey Ronojoy, first off nice work with this game! I love how subtle the transition to full goth is. The comparison shot is super helpful for just reminding the payer how much has changed on Earl. I think it would be cool if your requests increased how quickly or how goth Earl became by the end. I did have a little trouble reading some of the text, like the "No" was "Do" when I first looked at it. I do like the vibe of the font, but maybe there's a way to edit it to be a bit more legible. Overall though, I love the take on the traditional pet game.

Hey Ron, this was a really fun pet experience. First of all, this has a great name, and I think the execution of Earl’s goth transition was beautifully done. Your art works really well here, and the core idea of your game is really smart. I agree with some of the suggestions others have had, like adding button noises or syncing with the music. Plus I think adjusting the word bubble to better fit whatever text is inside it, or orienting the text differently so the smaller phrases better fill the word bubble would help polish up this project. Regardless though this was a well done pet game and I appreciate you making it and sharing it.

Thank you for reminding me of my teenage years, Ron, very cool. Clever and simple concept of the nightmare of of being the parent of a teenager. Song choice is A+. On aesthetics, I am happy to see you've gotten more comfortable with your art skills and can't wait to see what that ultimately leads to.  I think you could benefit from some GAME JUICE here, like some sounds or a small animation of the character reacting to my button inputs. What if there's a way to stop poor earl from becoming goth... Anyways, good stuff here, son!

Ah YES! Tamagothy, my most anticipated game from this prompt. 

Overall, I think it definitely did live up to the hype I was expecting. The art is very nice for the concept you were going for, and I think the humor is also on point. 

I think one thing you could work on is making the player input a bit more satisfying. If I press a button, it would be nice if there was a little clicking sound or some kind of visual cue to let me know that the button was indeed pressed. There were times when I didn't know if I actually did anything or not (but maybe that was intentional given your theme LOL). 

But yeah! Very funny and enjoyable experience. Great job, Ron! 

I absolutely love the art for this Ronojoy! The slow descent into full on goth is so good and I think the responses overtime were pretty neat. I kind of wish there were different responses depending on which button was pressed or some other way to see how the player's actions can affect their angsty son, but at the same time totally understandable that his reactions are the same for everything because of how edgy he is lol. Good job though and the music choice was perfect!

Very simple yet funny concept, with great art to match it! Great job Ronojoy!

To be a little bit nitpicky, I kinda wish that the transitions between phases of goth-ness happened on different beats of the song. I was looking forward to see what would happen when "WAKE ME UP" hit, but nothing happened then and the transition only happened a second later, which felt off to me.

Still, great job, really funny take on the virtual pet genre!